Thursday, July 9, 2009

Microsoft Certification?

Hey people. I am graduate in English, but all of a sudden I have realized that my logic is stronger than my english. So I have decided to change my career path and become a computer Programmer. But this time I have taken up the self-study route. I am half way through with C# and .NET.

So the question is with no formal certification if I clear the Microsoft Certification Exams (MCTS windows application).Will that be enough to get me a job (in Toronto). Pl. people I need a lot of Ideas, and hard facts.

Microsoft Certification?
Yes. A lot of people don't major in computer science and still work in the computer industry. MS certs are a good step towards getting your foot in the door without having to go back to formal school for a degree.
Reply:From what I have learned in school, yes that should get you in the door. You would of course be starting from the bottom no matter how high you scored on your exam because you lack the formal education and technical skills that would be applied in a course of study related to a programming career.

Also try to get other types of easier certifications that support yours like the A+, MCSE, MCSA, Network +, and Security+. These could be valuable in showing that you understand for what you are programming. I mean it may be nice to script and program but unless you understand the foundation of what will be using your program, ie: Mac or PC, Internet, business application and so on. Good luck though, Ive only got an AAS in Network Security so I can only dream of having the knowledge you have about programming.

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