Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why do "designer dogs" cost so much?

I am curious as to why designer dogs cost so much. I understand that when you buy a 'pure breed' dog from a decent breeder that some of your money gos towards:

Paperwork for Certification

stud/ semen fees

prenatal care

possible c section - depending on breed

shots and vet check ups

But with a 'designer' dog neither parent is required to have "papers" and the pup is never allowed to have them= no cost to breeder

When breeding 2 dogs of different types you incur no costs associated with stud/semen fees because you are guaranteed that you are not inbreeding. = no cost to breeder

Most mixed breed pregnacies (assuming a basic intelligence in not breeding a male german shepard with a female mini poodle) do not require a c section.

And while they DO incur cost with first shots and vet checks, it is my understanding that these are minimal when compared to 'pure breed' dogs.

With the first breeder the cost is obvious - but where is the money going with the second?

Why do "designer dogs" cost so much?
It's supply and demand.

People see celebrities with "designer dogs" so they instantly want one too. They don't care about quality, they just want the accessory, the dog.

"Designer dogs" are in high demand so bybs know they can charge a lot, and people will pay it.
Reply:I believe they cost so much because now a days people think they are better???

It is the new thing and everyone is going crazy on the idea of mixes. They think it is great to have traits of two kinds of dogs and then they can walk around saying look at my Yorkie-poo. I find it a bit much and over marketed.

People fail to realize that someone had one kind of dog (maybe paid a lot for it or not) then they got another kind of cute dog (probably for cheap) and said , what the heck they will mate and now tries to sell it as some new better version.

So sad!
Reply:first off NOT all Purebreds are quality dogs.. ONLY those whose parents attended shows to prove their worth as breeding animals AND were checked for genetic problems...

in many cases people pay too much for low quality prebreds simply because they dont know better.. or dont want the hassle of going through a breeder (and the wait)

PET STORES inflate the cost of ALL dogs...

"designer" dog breeders (and breeders of low quality purebreds) take advantage of buyer ingnorance and buyers who simply want a dog.. most buyers are NOT informed of the value of any dog.. they dont really know what they are paying for..

often I have seen designer dogs for sale who are NOT even vaccinated... and people pay...
Reply:Designer Dogs cost so much because it is largely a scam. Cross breeds are considered mutts, you can get one for $50 dollars at your local animal shelter. It is that certain individuals have realized that they can slap the label "designer" on a mongrel and charge a few hundred extra for it (add "teacup" and the person has found a way to offload unhealthy runts). If you are willing to be patient, check out your local animal shelter (and petfinder.com is a wonderful resources as well) and you'll eventually find a dog that has the exact look you want.

"Designer Dogs" cost so much because people are gullible and impatient.

Now this isn't to say that a reputable breeder couldn't try to start a new breed, but they would do so with a specific goal in mind ("I want to create a breed of dog that is well suited for such and such a purpose, which will require it to have these traits reliably").

However, there is NO standard for "designer breeds." Thus, why they are looked down on so much. The concern is for the money, not the animal.
Reply:I believe it's because people think they are getting something rare and unusual! In my day we called them mutt's
Reply:because they are in demand. The kind of people who buy these mixed breed dogs, don't understand the impact that they have. They think its really cute, and they must have one. They don't truly understand that its not a pure breed. They think that it is a new breed, that just got started, so its just a matter of time until its a breed. Breeders who breed designer dogs, are not responsible breeders. They are not doing anything to improve the dog's breed, and the sole purpose for breeding these designer mixes is $ There is no other reason to create these dogs. So ya got uneducated consumers, and greedy unscrupulous breeders, which equals $$$$$
Reply:There is no such thing as a "designer dog"....

people are just making stuff up so you will want to buy them....
Reply:Its really sad to say, but its because they can
Reply:Why do certain designer clothes cost so much? Stupid people will pay for what's in demand!
Reply:Those dogs don't get squat tested.

They have some old lady saying how cute they are, her daughter having a pug her mom having a beagle and wa la....

Then they say it has a cute name and is rare when in all reality the pound is FULL of those little mutts.

Some uneducated idiot comes along and shells out 2k for it and wa la... the cycle continues.
Reply:This is easy. Where is the money going? In their pockets. They have absolutely no responsibility to the dogs they have created, so they have no overhead.

Edit: :) Sounds like you live in the byb capitol of the US! Beagles are being given away free? Deliberately breeding "puggles"? UGH! Glad I dont live there!
Reply:in their pockets.
Reply:The law of supply and demand works here. People demand them so the price goes up. It's that simple.
Reply:Because the world is full of people who think they have to have something rare and special. The fools who breed them feed on even bigger fools who buy them. They are willing to pay the price so the greed fueled "breeders" are happy to relieve them of it.

Just another produce of a material world.
Reply:The money is going right into their pockets.

;) - The woman at your church sells pug/beagle mixes for that amount, most likely, because no one will buy them for any more than that. I guess in your area, people have gotten smart about the "mutt craze". Unfortunately, in my area, it isn't the same. They have newspaper ads advertising mixes for the same amount, or MORE, than the purebreds with papers.

LOL - if pekes are too dominant for you, find a different PUREBRED that isn't! Your reasoning for being a BYB is ridiculous
Reply:they hav 2 cross breed um i thinlk? weir dthing tow wonder about! lol =)
Reply:A lady at church sell her puggles for $75. They are much less expensive than purebred pugs, and a lot healthier. Of course lot's of beagles are free here.

Where do you get the idea they are so expensive? I use to sell peke-shis for 200 when I had them. I had to mix the shih tzu with the peke because pekes are just too dominant for my liking.

I have chihuahuas now, and I sell purebreds for more than a mix would be.

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